DGA Insights: Age Verification Provisions Across Europe

  • On 02.13.2024
  • Categories:
  • General

Regulators in Europe and beyond have been increasingly prioritizing efforts to enhance online safety for minors, driven by mounting political pressure to safeguard children from the detrimental impact of early exposure to pornographic and other harmful age-inappropriate content. The market for age verification is taking shape throughout the continent, backed by laws that push companies to invest in technology to protect minors. Early engagement at the Brussels and national levels is essential for those with a stake in developments that will significantly change the way we interact online.

Our experts have mapped out key laws and forthcoming EU and national initiatives concerning age verification.

[button size=”medium” type=”rounded” color=”blue” href=”https://dgagroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Age-Verification-Provisions-Across-Europe-Feb-2024.pdf” ]Download the Full Report[/button]

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